8 Points You may want to Know about Sunpring Fish Feed Extruder
Jinan Sunpring Extruder tell you the problems and answers for Sunpring Fish Feed Extruder in 8 points.
Problem 1: Why does fish feed need to be dried?
Answer 1:
When the fish feed comes out of the extruder, the water content in the fish feed is 25%-30%, and the moisture needs to be dried to less than 12% before being stored. Otherwise, it is easy to deteriorate. so the fish feed need to be dried then produce the good quality product.
Problem 2: Do you have a recipe for grass carp feed that you can use as a reference?
Answer 2:
Grass carp feed formula: Rice bran 40%, bran 38%, bean cake 10%, fish meal 10%, yeast powder 2%.
Problem 3: The benefits of 500kg/h three-axis pre-conditioner and extruder?
Answer 3:
We use three shaft conditioner. it consist of one volumetric feeder, one single cylinder conditioner and one DDC conditioner. It increase pre-cook time and improve pre-cook efficency. Ensure the feed quality. It is new advanced technology or improvement according to feedback from our clients. For extruder, we use better L/D on screw; it is 22:1. the length of screw is 1690mm. longer screw ensure quality of feed. Powerful gear box ensure the torque from motor to screw completely. The oil lubrication system make sure the safe running on gear box.
Problem 4: Coating drum and oil sprayer as different pieces of equipment, how do these two differ and do you need both?
Answer 4:
I understand that you have some questions about the functions and differences between the coating drum and the oil sprayer. Let me introduce to you. The coating drum can add some powder additives to the fish feed, and rotate to make the material uniform , and then the oil sprayer is in the shape of a barrel, and some liquid additive materials need to be added in it. This depends on what you want to add in production in the future, Either type can be used, one or two, it’s up to your client to decide, and then we will match the appropriate machine for you. The role of this part is actually a type, but the name and details are different.
Problem 5: Iron entering it causes irreversible malfunctions in this extruder?
Answer 5:
From feeder to condtioner from conditioner to extruder barrel all is sealed so there is no metal pieces fall into system.
Problem 6: What size are all your fish feed molds?
Answer 6:
For bigger capacity, smaller die is 0.8mm; For smaller capacity, smaller die is 0.4mm, 0.5mm, 0.6mm.
Problem 7: Can the fish feed be seen floating and sinking from the surface?
Answer 7:
No, because both floating and sinking can be made in different sizes, diameters and shapes.
Problem 8: What is the maximum diameter of fish feed?
Answer 8:
About 12mm.
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